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About Us

Our Mission:
Help people stay active on their feet


Our Commitment:

We are committed to making sure foot and lower limb pain and dysfunction does not stand in your way of an active lifestyle.  Orthotics and footwear make a major difference.  We are committed to helping you get the ultimate situation under your feet.  


Lee MacKenzie BScKin, CAT(C), CPed(C)

Certified Pedorthist With the Pedorthic Association of Canada
Certified Athletic Therapist with the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association


Lee is a major sports enthusiast!If there’s a sport played in Canada Lee’s probably played it. His goals as a youngster were to play every sport on the planet, at some competitive level. He’s still working on that! It’s why Lee does what he does.He believes everyone should play sports and be active. It’s not only healthy it’s fun!


Barbara Taxbock BKin, BScPT

A Physiotherapist with a bachelor’s in biomechanics.


Barb loves mountains! Growing up tailing her father/ACMG mountain guide has ingrained a love of the outdoors. She enjoys mountain biking and climbing in the summer and backcountry skiing in the winter.

©2017 Footjax Orthotics, Mount Royal University, Calgary,  403-440-6917 

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